Calendar & Reminders

Adds support for creating Calendar Events and Reminders for the Calendars and Reminders apps on your Mac.

Available on macOS version 10.11, 10.12, 10.13, 10.14, 10.15, 11.6, 12.4
for Quicksilver build 4024, 4026, 4039

Calendar & Reminders Plugin

This plugin adds actions for creating Calendar Events ( and Reminders ( from within Quicksilver


This plugin requires access to your Calendar and Reminders. Make sure you have granted Quicksilver permissions by adding it to the Calendars list and Reminders list in the System Preferences.


Create Calendar Event

This action takes text from Quicksilver's 1st pane, and adds it as an event to your selected Calendar in Quicksilver's 3rd pane.
Examples of text could be Dinner with Tom next Tuesday or Visit mum at 3pm.

You can improve how an event displays in your Calendar by separating the name of the event and the time it takes place with two dashes --
Using Next Tuesday -- Dinner with Tom will create an event called just Dinner with Tom in your calendar.

Create Reminder

This action takes text from Quicksilver's 1st pane, and adds it as a Reminder to your selected Reminders List in Quicksilver's 3rd pane.

Examples of text could be Do the shopping or Pick up the kids from school.

You can set the priority of an event by prefixing your event with any number of exclamation marks !
One exclamantion mark gives the Reminder a low priority, two give the Reminder a medium priority and three gives it a high priority.

!! This is a medium priority reminder
This reminder has no priority set